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The FreiwilligenAgentur Heidelberg is an institution of the PARITÄTISCHER Wohlfahrtsverband Baden-Württemberg and has been a cooperation partner of the city of Heidelberg and part of the municipal contact point for civic engagement since 1997.


All people should have the opportunity to participate in shaping a democratic and solidary society. Everyone should be able to get involved for the common good according to their possibilities, abilities and interests.

Our goal is to support all people in this endeavour.


  • We work with people who are interested in volunteering to find out how and where their interests, skills, experience and time can best be put to use and introduce them to suitable volunteering opportunities in Heidelberg.
  • We advise and qualify charitable organizations and initiatives to create good conditions for voluntary work.
  • We offer a variety of training opportunities.
  • We support companies in corporate volunteering and advise them on finding suitable projects and formats.
  • We see ourselves as a driving force for volunteering and develop and implement projects to promote volunteering/civic engagement.


We support everyone who is looking for a suitable voluntary commitment. Whether in schools, in senior citizens‘ homes or in environmental organisations – volunteers are needed in many areas of life. Volunteering means participating, helping to shape things, gaining new experience, and making and maintaining social contacts.

And studies prove – volunteering makes you happy!

We offer a range of options to help you find a suitable commitment, for example:

  • Individual counseling at our agency, by phone or online.
  • The engagement database on our website. Our volunteering database (in German language only) contains hundreds of volunteering offers that you can explore at your leisure from your home.

Any questions? Then come to our office and let us advise you. To make an appointment send us an e-mail:
or call us:
06221 7262-172